Sponsored by Uzbekistanian Ministry of Youth and Sports and Olympic Committee, sensei Ibrahim Al-Bakr, Chairman of the Higher Technical Committee of the Traditional Karate Federation of Uzbekistan, will lead the Traditional Karate Technical Course scheduled to be held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan from 23-26 October 2022. Japan &USA also two of …
أكمل القراءة »the 4th ITKF Technical Course “Afro-Asia” and the 2nd ITKF Asian Open Championship this month
“I am very pleased to work with The African and Asian traditional karate Federation led by Dr. Amb. Ibrahim Al-Bakr” Sensei Shukhrat Kushmuratov, Uzbekistan Traditional Karate do ITKF Federation Chairman said “I would like to take this opportunity to invite all our friends, champions and experts to participate in the …
أكمل القراءة »Al-Bakr: traditional karate in the African continent has become a starting point for the whole world
Dr. Ibrahim Al-Bakr, President of the African Traditional Karate Federation, expressed his great happiness with the global achievements, stressing that traditional karate in the African continent has become a starting point for the whole world. Al-Bakr said, during exclusive statements, that the African Traditional Karate Federation will lead the “Afro-Asian” …
أكمل القراءة »The African Traditional Karate Federation congratulate Big Ramy
The African Traditional Karate Federation headed by Dr. Ibrahim Al-Bakr and all the members of the Board of Directors extend their sincere congratulations to the Egyptian champion Ramy Elssbiay, who known with the name Big Ramy for winning the title of Mr. Olympia for the second time in a …
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